Thursday, December 13, 2012


This "sailboat" is HUGE!!! If not quite 200ft, I'll bet she is all of 150 and perhaps a not more. 

Quiz of the day:  the crew sent a man up the mast today. Not only was he attached to a Hayward which obviously was used to pull him up, he was also attached to a line that ran down from his harness to a block on the rail and then to a winch!!  To win this quiz tell me why he had a line running down from his harness....


Jim Gregory 


  1. The weight of the line coming down from the top of the mast weighed more than the man. Without a line hanging from him, he'd have shot to the top of the mast. Problem first solved by Otis & his elevators.

  2. Too easy.

    It's hot up there.

    He needs that line to pull up a chilled six pack of beer.

  3. Anonymous9:56 AM

    What's a "Hayward"? If I knew, I would tell you the correct answer...

  4. From Manu: Same answer than Johnny Ryan. Because he was lighter than the halyard….

  5. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Hayward? A town in the East bay, between San Leandro and Newark.
    And great band name-Otis and the Elevators.
